

Determine if this is a bug in MTA or a bug in Wine.This also happens if you remove only the icudtl.dat. This can be tested by restarting the webbrowser resource. bin data files in the CEF/ directory, CEFLauncher will crash, but the game will not.

#Mtasa 1.5.1.exe windows#

Without the DLL files in the CEF/ directory, the game will silently output an error to the Windows (Wine) console. You can't test this without performing a game restart. This has been tested and is reproducible. Without the DLL files in the MTA/ directory, the game WILL crash. This additional bin file is only required in 圆4. Note that you do _ not_ need snapshot_blob.bin from the MTA directory if you set WINARCH=win32. Thank you to for discovering this solution. You must COPY the following files from MTA to MTA/CEF to work around this issue: cp libcef.dll chrome_elf.dll icudtl.dat natives_blob.bin v8_context_snapshot.bin snapshot_blob.bin CEF You will receive the following warnings the Wine (Windows) console: 0177:err:module:import_dll Library libcef.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\MTA San Andreas 1.5\\MTA\\CEF\\CEFLauncher_DLL.dll") not foundĠ177:err:module:import_dll Library CEFLauncher_DLL.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\MTA San Andreas 1.5\\MTA\\CEF\\CEFLauncher.exe") not foundĠ177:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Importing dlls for L"C:\\Program Files\\MTA San Andreas 1.5\\MTA\\CEF\\CEFLauncher.exe" failed, status c0000135 Nothing appears in place of the MTA website.
